Administrator KPIP


Last Update 8 maanden geleden


The KPIP administrator is responsible for configuring settings within KPIP to align with all aspects of the organization or company to which they belong. In pursuit of this, the administrator possesses several access privileges accessible through the KPIP dashboard's functionalities section. These privileges encompass company parameters and the Users functionality.


When you click on "Company Settings" the following sections will appear on a new page from top to bottom: Company Settings, Manage Fund Types, Manage AMS Expense Types, Manage HRM Expense Types, Dashboard Settings..

1 - Company parameters

This section enables you to incorporate your company's data into KPIP, such as the company name, address, acronym, logo, and more. This information is automatically showcased on invoices, pay slips, and emails.

To integrate your company data, complete the fields under the "Company Parameters" section, and subsequently, press the "Save Changes" button to preserve the modifications.

2 - Manage fund types

This section allows you to document all the various fund types accessible to your company, streamlining the organization and tracking of financial inflows and outflows.

When you access the "Manage Fund Types" section, you will be presented with a list of all registered fund types. Within the "Action" segment, you have the option to either modify or remove a fund type.

Utilizing the "Show Entries" feature permits you to specify the quantity of fund types you desire to view on each page.

Furthermore, the "Search" functionality enables you to promptly locate a specific fund type by entering its name.

To add a fund type, click the "Add" button. On the subsequent page, enter the name of the desired fund type, and then click the "Save" button to store the information.

3 - Manage AMS expense types

This section enables you to document the various fund types accessible to your company, streamlining and organizing the movement of finances from an accounting perspective.

Upon accessing the "Manage AMS Fund Types" section, you will encounter a comprehensive list of all recorded AMS fund types within this area.

Under the "Action" segment, you have the capability to modify or remove an existing AMS fund type.

The "Show entries" feature empowers you to specify the quantity of AMS fund types displayed on each page.

Furthermore, the "Search" functionality offers a swift method to locate a particular AMS fund type by inputting its designated name.

To add an AMS fund type, click the "Add" button. On the subsequent page that appears, enter the name of the AMS fund type you intend to add, and then click the "Save" button to confirm and save the changes.

4 - Manage HRM expense types

This section enables you to document the various fund types accessible to your company, streamlining the management of money inflows and outflows pertaining to human resources.

When you navigate to the "Manage HRM Fund Types" section, a list of all registered HRM fund types will be displayed.

Under the "Action" segment, you have the option to either modify or remove an HRM fund type.

Using the "Show entries" feature, you can specify the quantity of HRM fund types you prefer to view on each page.

The "Search" function facilitates a swift exploration of an HRM fund type by inputting its name.

To add an HRM fund type, click the "Add" button. On the subsequent page, input the desired name for the HRM fund type, and then click the "Save" button to confirm and save your changes.

5 - Dashboard settings

This section enables you to incorporate and schedule company-related information and data for presentation on the KPIP dashboard. For instance, you can create a universal message for all employees and showcase visuals that illustrate the status of customer relations, stock inventory, human resources, and accounting based on your preferences.

To integrate and exhibit this information along with company data, complete the fields within the "Dashboard settings" box. Subsequently, click the "Save changes" button to preserve your modifications.

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